Eggs are mainly produced by poultry birds such as white leghorn, brown leghorn, and Rhode. Others are geese, Turkey and Guinea fowls,

Production Process of Eggs:

The egg production process includes the following phases:

  1. Laying: Hens (adult fowl birds) lay eggs in a controlled environment in the farm
  2. Collection: This involves the gathering of all the eggs laid either by hand or by automation.
  3. Washing: This involves the careful cleaning of eggs in order to collect the ones that are hygienically fit for consumption.
  4. Candling: Eggs candling involves looking into the inside of the egg without breaking determine the quality of the egg by using special machine called the egg candler.

Grading: This involves the sorting of the quality or good eggs into various sizes for 5 easy transport and marketability. Bigger egg d higher prices than smaller ones. sites command

  1. Packing: Packing of eggs involves placing the eggs large ends up in the cartons or crates. The large end of an egg is where respiration or exchange of gases occur if fertilised eggs are transported.

1.Shipment: Farmers normally ship the eggs in refrigerated trucks

  1. Selling and Storing: Eggs must be refrigerated. An egg can age more in one day at toom temperature than one week in the refrigerator. The best place for an egg is in its cartons or crates on a refrigerated shelf.


One of the main by-products of egg processing segg powder. Egg powder or Powdered eggs are fully dehydrated eggs. They are made using spray drying in the same way that powdered milk is made. The major advantages of powdered eggs over fresh eggs are the price, reduced weight per volume of whole egg quivalent and the shelf life. Other advantages include small usage of storage space and lack of need for refrigeration. Powdered eggs can be used without rehydration when baking and can be rehydrated to make dishes such as Scrambled eggs or omelettes.

How to Make Powdered Eggs Materials needed are:

i. A food dehydrator

ii. Eggs

iii. Egg powder storage

The process of making powdered eggs is fairly simple. There are two methods of processing powdered eggs. These are the cook-dry method and the wet-dry method.

a) The Cook-Dry method

Step 1: Whip up a half-dozen eggs using a blender (for more complete mixture), and then in a non-sticky frying pan, cook the egg solution like when making scrabled eggs.

Step 2: Place cooked eggs onto a drying rack in the dehydrator and set the temperature to about 140°F.

Step 3: Let it dry for about 4 hours until completely brittle throughout.

Step 4: Chop dry chunks in a blender or food processor until it has a fine powdery constancy. Bag it and store it away.

b) The Wet-Dry Method

Step 1: Lightly grease a fruit roll sheet. It comes with the dehydrated with a paper towel.

Step 2: Whip up a half-dozen eggs using a blender, the use of a blender is not necessary but it does make for more uniform mixture. Pour the egg slurry into the fruit roll sheet and set the temperature to about 145°F.

Step 3: Let it dry for about 16hrs until completely brittle throughout.

Step 4: Place dried chunks in a blender or food processor until it has a fine powdery constancy. Bag it and store it away.

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