A child is born into the world and when he start walking he struggles, when ever he falls down the tell him soldiers don’t cry but the don’t tell him why? So when tears start to fill up their eyes they want to hide, we talk about it like is a batch of honour a pride, but guess who is the leading victim of suicide is young men and women who don’t know the way to remote, they could be dealing with stress or his or her heart could be broken or life could be difficult for him or her. But he was never told so all he knows that his parents taught him how to starve for hope and now the world is changing rapidly we all have to learn how to happily embrace it. But learning how to be a good man is from the family you came from. As a soldier is what I was taught I will be but I was never told that life could be full of up and down. We all have to protect and correct our younger ones with love and care is not a laughing matter or comedy.

This is for the fathers, the husbands, the mothers, the soldiers, the young men and women who try to be good to find purpose in the world and the world is trying to tell you to be strong or you worthless. I ask some of my females friends to share there lens what’s like to be them, to get a sense, six out of them have be raped and ten assaulted, I scream I couldn’t believe how we have faulted. 95% of crimes and lost of life is cause by parents, friends and love ones because we never sit and listen to our beloved when the needed a being to feel their pains instead we make jokes and laugh at them.


  • Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse.
  • Stressful events such as bullying, academic pressure, family conflict.
  • Feelings of hopelessness or lack of support.
  • Social media bullying
  • physical health issues
  • Trauma or abuse


  • Promoting mental health awareness and education
  • Providing support for young people who are struggling with mental health.
  • Encouraging young people to seek for help from a trusted adult
  • Reducing access to means of suicide such as fire arm and medication.
  • Promoting positive social relationships.


We are all encourage to have time and listen to our love ones. Tell stories and history of where the come from, who the are and how you really care about them. Soldiers cry when the war get tougher so they should always be positive in good times and in bad times. I hope you enjoyed my lovely article.

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