For the past three years, I have noticed that people only reach out when they need a favor, without caring about my well-being. I have helped these people with the last of my resources, only for them to disappear until they needed assistance again.

An old friend recently contacted me, and I took the opportunity to share my struggles and explained that I couldn’t help him at the moment. He has yet to reply to my messages. I used to check in on everyone, but I’ve changed with the times. If you reach out, I’ll respond in kind, and I’ve found peace since making this change.

This post isn’t meant to offend anyone, but we can do better. Don’t just check in when you need a favor; ask how people are doing and find ways to help, not just financially but with words of encouragement.

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I’m forced to participate this time. If you notice I’m disappointing your requests, please don’t take it personally. I can’t travel to a town without informing the people I know, and I’ve had associates visit without telling me, but I still find out. I don’t discriminate.

Success can change in an instant. A rich person today might be poorer tomorrow, and a poor person today could become the richest person tomorrow. So, don’t underestimate the importance of helping others along the way. I once called Ochigbo David Davidson to let him know I was in town, and he gave me an expensive pair of football boots and a warm welcome.

We go through a lot to put smiles on your faces, but we do it because it’s the right thing to do.

In conclusion, a friend is someone who is always ready to stand by you in good times and in bad times, protect you, defend you while you are absent and love in all circumstances.

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