Dynamic freedom cones with taking decisions and delving into actions and being fully responsible for the consequences. The mind of a child or youth is very impressionable and they feel very strongly about everything. Their fears are more frightening, frustrations more intolerable and pleasures more exciting. They can’t make safe decisions on bloated feelings.
I wish to present to children and youths useful clues yo making right decisions and choices.

  • Talk to your parents about your intended decision or yo any trusted leader in school, church or mosque. Where no counsel is, the people fall but in multitude of counselors is safety.
  • Take time to think when you are confused, delay the final decisions till you are convinced.
  • Pray for God’s guidance and leading
  • Watch out for the answers to those prayers.
    Over possessiveness in some patents have let to the breeding of timid children and youths. When they are thrown into society, especially into campuses, they don’t know their right from left. Such overprotected children lack the boldness to stand by their own decisions and end up making their friends decisions theirs. Dear parents , if you want to raise eagles, don’t begin to train your children like grasshoppers. They are not going to be tied to apron string for life. Youngsters should be given regulated freedom all through their training and development and the freedom should be made dynamic with a degree of coaching and parental control.
    In conclusion, children are the leaders of tomorrow, therefore, parents raise eagles not timid kids who don’t know there right from left.

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