Are you a procrastinator, are you looking for ways to overcome procrastinating?
Well, today is your lucky day! You will finally get your answers. You may not even be aware that you are a procrastinator, because you may not know what it means to procrastinate.
Procrastination means to put off intentionally and habitually, or to put off intentionally the doing of something you can do now. Also when you have the habit of saying ‘I will do it later’; you are a procrastinator. There is a need to fight against procrastination, because it poses as a barrier that blocks you from getting up, making those right decisions and living the life you dream of. Procrastination makes you waste valuable time that could be invested in something meaningful. This makes opportunities that are at your fingertips to slip off. This further leads to feelings of regret and guilt from missed opportunities and these feelings tend to stay with people for a long period of time. If you can overcome procrastination, you will be able to accomplish more and in so doing, utilize the potential life has got to offer.
The leading cause of procrastination is often thought to be will power, but it is your driving force that helps one to overcome the habit of putting things off on a daily basis

  • Decision paralysis: With more freedom to make our decisions and to perform our actions, we have became easily confused about what is a priority, what is essential and what is not, what is right and wrong. This make us loose the driving force to do anything at all.
  • Ignoring the value of time: one may think he/ she has all the time in the world. But in the real sense, every single second you waste is gone forever. Time is not like money that can be borrowed, saved or earned. This realisation should drive you to start managing the time you have for valuable and meaningful things.
  • Lack of self discipline: This can be seen as setting instructions or orders for yourself, but having a hard time keeping to them. To be disciplined you need the correct drive force and you have to learn to maintain and work on positive habits.

    Learning to be self disciplined, motivated or having the appropriate drive force, how to manage time, will be useless if you do not make it a part of you. Therefore, some ways through which one can overcome procrastination are as follows;
  • personal vision: Having a personal vision helps you know your skills and priorities. By having one, you will be able to focus your efforts on the right activities and set priorities to help you avoid falling out of that path. But, you have to understand what motivates/drives you, it helps you maintain your discipline and helps you make most out of the day.


procrastination is a thief of time. No matter the situation, try and overcome procrastination by practicing self discipline and personal vision, set goals for yourself and have a time limit in other to avoid procrastination.

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