So many factors are responsible for the non infusion of the main stream of education. From poverty and household chores to conflict and early marriage, girl face multiple barriers in their quest for quality education. Culture and tradition are the major ones. In some parts of the country, especially in northern Nigeria, it is a tradition that girl child are not allowed to go to school. This is because they believe that the education will be wasted in the kitchen of their husband house, they see the only use of girls is to get married and give birth to children. Their duty is to take care of the house and other domestic activities.
Another factor is early marriage. Even through the normal or supposed age for a girl child to get married as early as thirteen years when ordinarily they are supposed to be in school. This can lead to vesicular vagina pastula (vvf). This is a medical condition caused by early marriage where these young girls whose reproductive organs are not yet mature enough to carry and give birth to children, get rupture during secondary, the government should established scholarship programmes for girls to encourage girl child education. Through the ministry of education, the government can offer scholarship programmes for the girl child from primary to secondary levels. This can relieve parents whose resources are not enough to send their girl children to school from the stress or burden of it.
Thirdly, the government should makesure that the laws embodied in the constitution are properly implemented, especially those that affect the girl child education. There should be penalties for families who refuse to send their girl children to school to acquire education.
Further more, the government can set up empowering scenes for women such as skills acquisition programmes. The ministry of women affair should support women acquire relevant skills to earn a living in order to support there families.
In conclusion, the girl child is the mirror of hope to her generation. Educate the girl child today and save the world. Education is the act of acquiring knowledge in various fields of life. This knowledge can be formal and informal.

This is acquired in school, where people go to class and I taught by a teacher in other to acquire knowledge for a better career in the future. Formal knowledge is knowledge that is taught and learned in a more structured and systematic way, usually in a school, university, or workplace setting. It is usually organized and presented in a more logical and structured way than informal knowledge. For example, in school, students are taught specific concepts and skills in a structured curriculum.

Informal knowledge is knowledge that is not formally taught or learned in a structured setting, such as a classroom or workplace. It can be acquired through everyday experiences, like talking to friends and family, reading books and articles, watching TV and movies, and participating in hobbies and activities. This is important especially in this era of entrepreneurship where everyone is encouraged to have hands on skills. Education for the girl child is the act of equipping the girl child with knowledge in various fields of life. However, sadly, this kind of education is not consider it a waste of money, time and effort. This should not be so.
The Nigerian law postulates that everyone is entitled to education, both male and female. The right to education act of 2009 states that every child, six to fourteen years of age, has a right to free and compulsory education. The united Nation, especially through the UNICEF, has been a fore runner for education for all beaming its light on the girl child. But why the girl child?
In some parts of Nigeria girls are not allowed to acquire either the formal or impacts education. over the year, has had negative impacts on the country generally. This is because it is believed that when you educate a man, you educate an individual, but when you educate a woman, you educate a nation because the woman would transmit or pass on this knowledge through the process of socialisation to her children, family and the entire world.


In conclusion, parents and government should ensure that the girl child is educated, because when you educate a girl child, you are building a nation. A girl child is the mirror of tomorrow.


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